

Blue Pearl Software Accelerates FPGA Implementation

The Blue Pearl Software Suite works with the Xilinx Vivado™ Design Suite running on Windows and Linux platforms. Our solution for RTL analysis includes linting, clock domain crossing (CDC) and automatic Synopsys Design Constraint (SDC) generation. With our SDCs, we make the synthesis and place and route phases of FPGA design implementation more efficient. Our Visual Verification Environment™ makes it easy to use for any level of FPGA designers to validate their constraints.

Call us to  learn more about how release 6.0 of the Blue Pearl Software Suite can increase the productivity of designers while reducing their design risk.

  • Address
    4699 Old Ironsides Drive, Suite 400
    Santa Clara, CA 95054
    Toll-Free +1 855-848-6600
    Phone : +1 408-961-0121
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